21 Eylül 2007 Cuma


Travel & Tourism

Reminder: new posts are going up at upgradetravelbetter.com
Just a short reminder (especially if you're seeing this on a feed reader): Upgrade: Travel Better has moved to http://www.upgradetravelbetter.com/. Same blog, different location. If you want to stick with a feed, go with this one.

Blog moving: Please visit UpgradeTravelBetter.com
Nine months after starting this blog, almost to the day, it's time for Upgrade: Travel Better to move to a new home. The new address: http://www.upgradetravelbetter.com/If you read the blog via a feed, make sure you're subscribed to http://feeds.feedburner.com/UpgradeTravelBetter and not to one of the many feeds generated by upgradetravel.blogspot.com. The blogspot feeds will *not* be updated, going forward. Existing FeedBurner subscribers should be transitioned automatically.If you haven't subscribed to the feed, you're invited to do you. You also have the option of receiving new posts via e-mail; there is a sign-up option in the "Syndicate" section of the right column on the new site.The "legacy" blogspot site will stay up, as-is, but all future updates will appear at the new site.All in all, Blogger and Blogspot.com have been generally good to me, and I feel a little bad moving the site away (especially after they named the site a "Blog of Note" a few weeks ago...) But the interface has its limitations, and I've been frustrated with repeated site downtime and general reliability.For those who might care, the new site will run WordPress and is hosted on BlueHost (<-- affiliate/referral link), which I can recommend as a fantastic bang for the buck. All the old content will appear on the new site. The text is all already there. I'll be tinkering with layout, updating categories, transferring images, etc., for weeks to come, but the transition is underway. Comments and suggestions on the new site are welcome.



Travel is the transport of people on a trip/journey or the process or time involved in a person or object moving from one location to another. Reasons for travel include

Tourism is travel for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes or the provision of services to support this leisure travel. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2004, there were over 763 million international tourist arrivals.[1]
Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the income generated by the consumption of goods and services by tourists, the taxes levied on businesses in the tourism industry, and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services such as cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues, and other hospitality industry services such as spas and resorts.



FOREX (FOReign EXchange market) is an international foreign exchange market, where money is sold and bought freely. In its present condition FOREX was launched in the 1970s, when free exchange rates were introduced, and only the participants of the market determine the price of one currency against the other proceeding from supply and demand.As far as the freedom from any external control and free competition are concerned, FOREX is a perfect market. It is also the biggest liquid financial market. According to various assessments, money masses in the market constitute from 1 to 1.5 trillion US dollars a day. (It is impossible to determine an absolutely exact number because trading is not centralized on an exchange.) Transactions are conducted all over the world via telecommunications 24 hours a day from 00:00 GMT on Monday to 10:00 pm GMT on Friday. Practically in every time zone (that is, in Frankfurt-on-Main, London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, etc.) there are dealers who will quote currencies.FOREX is a more objective market, because if some of its participants would like to change prices, for some manipulative purpose, they would have to operate with tens of billions dollars. That is why any influence by a single participants in the market is practically out of the question. The superior liquidity allows the traders to open and/or close positions within a few seconds. The time of keeping a position is arbitrary and has no limits: from several seconds to many years. It depends only on your trading strategies. Although the daily fluctuations of currencies are rather insignificant, you may use the credit lines, that are accessible even to currency speculators with small capitals ($ 1,000 - 5,000), where the profit may be impressive. (You can learn more about it in the section: The main principles of trading.)The idea of marginal trading stems from the fact that in FOREX speculative interests can be satisfied without a real money supply. This decreases overhead expenses for transferring money and gives an opportunity to open positions with a small account in US dollars, buying and selling a lot of other currencies. That is, on can conduct transactions very quickly, getting a big profit, when the exchange rates go up or down. Many speculative transactions in the international financial markets are made on the principles of marginal trading.Margin trading is trading with a borrowed capital. Marginal trading in an exchange market uses lots. 1 lot equals approximately $100,000, but to open it it is necessary to have only from 0.5% to 4% of the sum.For example, you have analyzed the situation in the market and come to the conclusion that the pound will go up against the dollar. You open 1 lot for buying the pound (GBP) with the margin 1% (1:1000 leverage) at the price of 1.49889 and wait for the exchange rate to go up. Some time later your expectations become true. You close the position at 1.5050 and earn 61 pips (about $ 405). For the calculation of 1 pip click here.Everyday fluctuations of currencies constitute about 100 to 150 pips, giving FX traders an opportunity to make money on these changes.In FOREX, it's not obligatory to buy some currency first in order to sell it later. It's possible to open positions for buying and selling any currency without actually having it. Usually Internet-brokers establish the minimum deposit such as $ 2000, for working in the FOREX market, and grant a leverage of 1:100. That is, opening the position at $100,000, a trader invests $1,000 and receives $99.000 as a credit. The major currencies traded in FOREX, are Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British Pound (GBP), and Swiss Franc (CHF). All of them are traded against the US dollar (USD).In order to assess the situation in the market a trader has to be able to use fundamental and/or technical analysis, as well as to make decisions in the constantly changing current of information about political and economic character. Most small and medium players in financial markets use technical analysis. Technical analysis presupposes that all the information about the market and its further fluctuations is contained in the price chain. Any factor, that has some influence on the price, be it economic, political or psychological, has already been considered by the market and included in the price. The initial data for a technical analysis are prices: the highest and the lowest prices, the price of opening and closing within a certain period of time, and the volume of transactions.A technical analysis is founded on three suppositions:Movement of the market considers everything;Movement of prices is purposeful;History repeats itself. That is, technical analysis is a statistical and mathematical analysis of previous quotes and a prognosis of coming prices.A number of technical indicators have been installed into the PRO-CHARTS trading system. Analyzing the indicators one can come to the conclusion about further movements of the quoted currencies. For a more detailed de******ion of the indicators, analyzing price charts and volumes of trading, click here.Fundamental analysis is an analysis of current situations in the country of the currency, such as its economy, political events, and rumors. The country's economy depends on the rate of inflation and unemployment, on the interest rate of its Central Bank, and on tax policy. Political stability also influences the exchange rate. Policy of the Central Bank has a special role, as concentrated interventions or refusal from them greatly influence the exchange rate.At the same time one should not consider fundamental analysis just as an analysis of the economic situation in the country itself. A far bigger role in the FOREX market belongs to the expectations of the market participants and their assessment of these expectations. Various prognoses and bulletins, issued by the participants, have a strong influence on the expectations. Very often an effect of the so-called self-filfilling prophecy occurs when market players raise or lower the exchange rates according to the prognosis. But a deep and thorough fundamental analysis is available only for big banks with a staff of professional analysts and constant access to a wide field of information.In spite of these different approaches, both forms of analyses complement one another. Traders who act on the basis of a fundamental analysis, have to consider some technical characteristics of the market (the main rates of support, such as resistance and resale), and supporters of the technical approach to the market must track the main news (interest rates, important political events).The main merits of the FOREX market are:The biggest number of participants and the largest volumes of transactions;Superior liquidity and speed of the market: transactions are conducted within a few seconds according to online quotes;The market works 24 hours a day, every working days;A trader can open a position for any period of time he wants;No fees, except for the difference between buying and selling prices;An opportunity to get a bigger profit that the invested sum;Qualified work in the FOREX market can become your main professional activity;You can make deals



Forex piyasası(ingilizce Forex, Foreign Exchange kelimenin kısaltılması) – uluslararası döviz piyasasıdır.Forex piyasasında döviz kurları farkli faktörler üzünden hep değişmektedir. Piyasanın ana katılımcıları bankalar ve broker şirketleri, ithalatçılar, ihracatçılar, finans kuruluşları ve bireysel katılımcılar bir para birimini diğer para birimine değiştirirler. Forex piyasında operasyonlarının bir kısmı uluslararası ticaretinin ve kapital akışının servisi için, bir kısmıda döviz kurlarının değişimini yararlanarak kar alma amaçlı yapılmaktadır. Bireysel katılımcıları ilk önce Forex piyasasında kar alma fırsatları ilgilendirmektedir. Forex piyasası işlem hacmi bakımından dünyanın en büyük finansal piyasadır. Burada günlük işlem hacmi 1,5 trilyon ile 3 trilyon dolar arasında değişir. Karşılaştırmanız için dünyanın en büyük borsası olan New York borsasındaki günlük işlem hacmi 20 milyar dolar civarındadır. İnanılmaz büyüklükteki toplam işlem hacmi, Forex piyasasını dünyanın en zengin adamı veya en zengin insanlar grubunun dahi kolaylıkla manüple edemeyeceği bir hale getirmiştir. Böylece bu piyasa dış etkenlerden korunup sadece iç kurallarına göre çalışır. Forex piyasasında işlem veya başka kelimeyle Forex piyasasında trading – bir para birimini diğer para birimine değiştirme operasyonunun yapılmasıdır. Forex piyasasında işlem yapmak için sadece internete bağlı olan bilgisayar ve biraz para lazımdır. Başlangıç paranız ne kadar büyük olursa o kadar da karınız büyük olacak. Forex trader – Forex piyasasında işlem yapam kişidir. Serbest çalışma grafiği, üstünüzde yöneticinin olmaması, büyük kazanç potansiyeli: geliriniz asla sınırlanmaz herşey traderin kabiliyetine ve bilgisine bağlıdır işte bunlar trader mesleğinin önemli artılarındandır. Trading – çekici, yaratıcı, kendinize çalışma işidir. Forex piyasasının çalışma prensipleri.Forex piyasası – döviz değiştirme piyasası olunca, çalışma prensiplerini kolayca anlatmak için bir döviz bürosuna benzetebiliriz. Nasıl günlük hayatta döviz bürosuna gider alır satarsınız; buda aynen ona benzeyen bir takım kolaylıkları ve üstünlükleri olan gerçek bir iştir. Döviz bürosuyla Forex piyasası arasındaki benzerlikler. Döviz bürosunda ve Forex piyasasında bir dövizin diğer dövize değişimi yapilmaktadır ve değişim işlem yapıldığı anda verilen kura göre gerçekleşmektedir. Döviz bürosunda ve Forex piyasasında alış ve satış kurları mevcuttur. Alış ve satış kurları arasındaki farka spread deniliyor. Spread müşteri için operasyon değerini ve diğer taraftan da döviz değiştirme hizmetini veren banka veya şirket için kari belirlemektedir. Döviz bürosunda ve Forex piyasasında kurlar değişmektedir çünkü çok bir faktöre bağlıdırlar. Eğer ilerdeki kur değişim yönünü doğru tahmin edebilirsek kar alabiliriz. Döviz bürosunda ve Forex piyasasında operasyonlar aracı üzerinden(banka veya forex brokeri) yapilmaktadır. Döviz bürosuyla Forex piyasası arasındaki farklar. Döviz bürosunda bütün operasyonlar nakit parayla yapılmaktadır, Forex piyasasında ise operasyonlar nakitsiz yapılıyor. Operasyonlar Forex şirketinde açılan ticari hesapta yapılmaktadır. Bu hesap banka hesabına benzer. Döviz bürosunda yapılan operasyonun amacı bir para birimini diğer para birimine değiştirmek.Bunun için büroda tek operasyon yapılmaktadır, mesela dolara euro almak gibi. Forex’te yapılan işlemin amacı değişim operasyonu sonucunda gelir elde etmek. Bu yüzden Forex piyasasında genelde iki operasyon yapılmaktadır, önce dolara euro almak ve sonrası biraz zaman geçince başka kurdan euroyu satmak. Bu paritedeki ilk operasyona pozisyon açılışı deniliyor ikinci operasyonada pozisyon kapanışı. Döviz bürosünda sadece elinizde olan parayi değiştirebilirsiniz. Forex piyasasında hesabınızda olan paradan daha fazla parayla işlem yapabilmektesiniz. Bu mümkün çünkü forex şirketi müşteriye kaldiraç vermektedir. Kaldıraç sayesinde yapılan yatırımın çok üzerinde bir pozisyon alarak daha yüksek oranda kâr/zarar elde edebilirsiniz. Örneğin, EUR/USD partesinin 1,2670’ten 1,2671 seviyesine yükselmesi 1 piplik hareket anlamına gelmektedir. Yine, paritenin 1,2670’ten 1,2663 seviyesine gerilemesi 7 piplik hareket anlamına gelmektedir.Mesela başlangıç depozitonuz 1 000 dolar ve kaldıraç 100 ise 100 000 dolarlık pozisyon açabilirsiniz. Döviz bürosünda döviz kurlari günde bir veya birkaç kez değişmektedir, Forex piyasasında ise hergün dakikada bir kaç kez değişmektedir. Forexin bu özelliğine dinamik diye deniliyor. Grafikleri görmek ve döviz kurları değişimi analiz etmek için real zamanlı çalışan özel programlar kullanılıyor.